
Dental treatment

The head of the horse is a separate field of responsibility at the Pferdeklinik Leichlingen. This is dominated by disorders of the teeth, the sinuses and the jaw. In addition to the diagnosis and treatment of the respective disorders, we naturally also carry out routine treatments – the importance of dental health and the awareness of this have grown steadily over the years.


Our priority is to maintain and improve the dental health of each horse. In addition, we support the orthopaedic department with rideability issues. This is done by further diagnostic examinations of the teeth and head area and the skilled floating of teeth in order to restore functionality.


We always maintain state-of-the-art technical equipment for dental, oral and sinus surgery. In the meantime, all diagnostic investigations and virtually all surgical interventions can be performed on a standing horse with minimally invasive methods.

Your contact

Ulrike Schmidt-Reichelt


Intensive medical care, Internal medicine, Teeth and head

We offer the following services and more:

  • Oral cavity examination
  • Oral cavity endoscopy
  • Floating of molars
  • Floating of incisors
  • Senior dental care
  • Incisor extraction
  • Canine extraktion
  • Wolf teeth extraction
  • Molar extraction on standing equine (with buccotomy)
  • Anaesthaesia on equine head
  • X-Ray diagnostics on equine head
  • Cerclage technique for tooth socket fractures
  • Endodonty on incisors
  • Trepanations
  • Soft tissue surgery on equine head
  • Transendoscopic irrigation
  • Endoscopic sinus surgery
  • Transendoscopic laser treatment