
Internal medicine

The department of internal medicine has become especially important for the Pferdeklinik Leichlingen. As such, since 2014 it has been housed in a separate complex that recognises the specific requirements of this specialist field. The range of medical treatment offered embraces all common investigative steps, whether invasive (biopsies, punctures) or non-invasive (among them endoscopies incl. gastroscopy or sinus endoscopy, also heart, lung and abdominal cavity ultrasounds, etc.).

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Ulrike Schmidt-Reichelt


Intensive medical care, Internal medicine, Teeth and head

We offer the following services and more:

  • Arterial blood sample collection for determination of gas concentration
  • Foal intensive medical care
  • Tumor clarification
  • Endoscopy (upper respiratory tract, air sac, larynx)
  • Sample collection BAL bronchoalveolaere lavage / TBS tracheobronchial secretions
  • Ultrasound (heart, lung, liver, kidneys, gynaecology, neonatology, acute abdomen)
  • Resting and exercise ECG
  • Fetal ECG
  • Urinary tract endoscopy and sample collection
  • Gastroscopy, duodenoscopy
  • Insemination with frozen and fresh sperm
  • Rectal mucosae biopsy
  • Uterine biopsy
  • Lung biopsy
  • Liver biopsy
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Abdominocentesis
  • Laboratory tests (blood, synovia, bodily fluids, faeces)
  • Thoracentesis
  • Neurological tests
  • Dietetics
  • Lumbar/cervical puncture
  • X-Ray contrast study
  • Evaluation of X-Ray images (abdomen, thorax)
  • Catheterisation
  • Colic diagnosis
  • Infection prevention
  • Diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases